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puration and fever. Where purulent accumulation about the bone is excessive and threatens to open into a joint or cause marked separation of tissues, it is well to puncture the abscesses, repeatedly if necessary, until the pus becomes clear and finally ceases to form. Joint involvement would at first sight seem to demand incision. Yet in several cases distended joints went on to recovery without it and even recovered their mobility, wholly or in part. To avoid persisting with vaccine treatment for more than a reasonable and safe period, reliance should be placed on the temperature curve. The vaccine tends to subdue the temperature verj' rapidly. In some cases it drops quickly from 39° or 40° C. to about 37°, though frequently several days are re- quired for it to reach normal. Whenever the vac- cine acts, there is noted a distinct depression in the temperature. If by the third day no remission has occurred, the vaccine may be considered insufficient in the case under treatment, and open surgery should be Generic Levothroid resorted to at once. Pituitary Syndrome Coexisting with Spinal Deformities. — Apert and Cambessedes {Presse medicalc, January 31, 1920) report the case of a boy of twelve who for some years had been exhibit- ing general torpor, somnolence, headache, and in- creasing obesity. The hips and breasts Levothroid Vs Synthroid enlarged so as to resemble the feminine type and the pubes be- gan to show a Levothyroxine Vs Levothroid premature growth of hair. The ex- tremities were cold and cyanotic. The sella turcica was found broadened. In addition, the child had presented at birth an upper dorsal meningocele, which had been subjected to operative treatment. X ray study of the back showed multiple malfor- mations of the vertebrae. It is supposed that the same condition of dysembr\oplasia involved simul- taneously the spinal and pituitary Levothroid 100 Mcg regions, the lat- ter constituting, as a matter of fact, the upper ex- tremity of the spinal tissues. X Ray Treatment in Primary Neuralgia. — .\. Levothroid Vs Levothyroxine Zimmern Levothroid 125 Mcg (Paris medical. February 7, 1920) re- ports marked benefit in cases of occipital, trigeminal, and lumbar neuralgia and in meralgia paresthetica from radicular x ray treatment. W^ith the exception of the cases of facial neuralgia, particularly those of the tic douloureux type, the results obtained were remarkably constant. They were especially rapid and complete in neuralgia of the brachial plexus. Onl\- rather small doses of Levothroid Synthroid the rays need be used. One or two applications averaging three H units, with filtration through two or three millimetres of aluminium, proved sufficient to bring about com- plete cure or at least to allay the pain Levoxyl Vs Levothroid very greatly. In the brachial cases the irradiation should Purchase Levothroid Online be prac- tised over an area extending from the Synthroid Vs Levothroid fourth cervical to the first dorsal, and be directed obliquely from behind forward and from without inward. The patient should be warned that a few hours after the first treatment there may occur a painful, though never severe, reaction preceding the ultimate seda- tive effect. This Levothroid 0.1 Mg reaction seemed, however, to occur Levothroid 25 Mcg less frequently in the brachial cases than in cases of sciatica similarly treated. With the doses men- tioned, one remains below that required to produce erythema even if it becomes necessary to Order Levothroid repeat the treatment every week. Furthermore, with a sufff- cient degree of filtration no trace of pigmentation can occur. Proceedings of National and Local Societies A:kIERICAN GYNECOLOGICAL SOCIETY. I'ortx-fifth Annual Meeting, Held in Chicago, Mav 24, 25, 26, 192U. Dr. Robert L. Dickinson, of New York, in the Chair. {Concluded from page 60S.) Operation or Radium for Operable Cancer of the Cervix. — Dr. William P. Graves, of Boston, stated that his paper was an inquiry, based on per- sonal experience, into the question of the treatment of choice in operable cases Levothroid Generic of cancer of the cervix. The Levothroid 88 Mcg subject was opportune because Order Levothroid Online of the recent severe criticisms that some of the radium enthusia.sts had cast on the modern operative methods of treating cervical cancer, and because a few excellent Levothroid 100 Mg surgeons Is Levothroid Generic had of late practically discarded surgery for radi- ation in this field. Dr. Graves reviewed the cases of cervical cancer which had come under his observation and that of his associate Dr. F. A. Pemberton. During a period of eleven years 181 cases were seen, of which 114, or sixty-four per cent., received radical . operation (deducting three cases in which operation was re- fused.) Of the 114 operations ninety-nine were performer by the Wertheim technic. Iii fifteen the Wertheim method Levothroid 75 Mg was considered too dangerous, and a complete hysterectomy was performed in the usual manner. There were six operative deaths in the series, making an immediate mortality of 5.2

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